Thursday, June 12, 2008

Game Over

In short - I took the GMATs and I scored below the national average...well below.
I am so mixed up in thoughts/feelings - not sure what else to say at this point.

Dreams of top 20 mba schools just got shattered!

Sure I can take it again, but the changes of scoring 700+ just isn't realistic - not to mention AdCom will look really down on this score.

I need to walk/run this off...


Mo Zhou said...

Hey, don't get discouraged. Just calm down, cool off... and analyze what went wrong. I studied diligently for 3 month about 2 hours every day. I read GRE RC passages when I'm on my step machine, since RC was my weak spot at one point. If you want it bad enough, you can do it!

Justin Berthelot said...

Yeah, don't give up yet. My first practice test was abysmal, and I've worked steadily to get my scores up to a respectable level. Keep at it!

tinydancer said...

It doesn't really matter what your first score is. If you are able to bring it up in your second try, adcoms don't care too much about the first one. Take some time and reevaluate. It might take a lot of time to study again and retake, but you have the time. Don't give up if you really want it!

JulyDream said...

Ditto to what tinydancer said. It's important to keep at it if this is truly your dream. You can do it!!!